frogan official website

welcome to frogan official webpage. i made this site so i could eckspress myself in the meantime sense i got bnaned from twitch and cant streem.

so i love zionism; i want to volunteer in the IDF and hope to become an informant for the mossad. i, twitch streamer frogan, also love and revere our troops but not as much as food. my favorite food is sabra hummus, and i am defnitlely not a raging anti-semite.

Image of Jabba the Gut

if you like watching me eat food on twitch, please donate to the following organizations in my name. it would honor me because i endorse israel as a state and love america. moreover, i condemn hamas and the houthis and also acknowledge the first intifada was a barbaric uprising led by uncivilzied muslim apes.

StandWithUs Donation
FIDF Donation
Commentary Donation
World Jewish Relief Donation

George Bush GIF

click the gif of me (george bush opbvioulsy because i hate muslims lol) to tweet to me about my staunch adherence to zionism.

Snarl Image

i also have a guestbook for my fellow zionist brethren to say hi.

This website is in no way affiliated with Internet personality "Frogan" or her likeness.